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The network for Actor-Reality Construction addresses the development of theories, methods and experiences around pragmatic constructivism.

Pragmatic constructivism conceives reality as a complex set of constructs created by the actors in interaction with their environment. Interacting with others and ‘things’ in the world through language and actions, actors produce common reality constructs, which are the basis of practice.

Pragmatic constructivism offers some conceptual fundamentals for understanding and analysing how actors construct a successful actor-world relationship in a dynamic environment.

In particular, the following are considered to be conceptual fundamentals:

  • practice constructed through actorship, language games and co-authorship;
  • four dimensions of reality – facts, possibilities, values, and communication – must be integrated in the actor-world relation if the construct is to form a successful basis for effective actions;
  • organisational learning, and an integrative learning theory of truth involving a learning circle between proactive truth and pragmatic truth is crucial for succesful practices.

The previous conferences have produced various theoretical and empirical contributions within different academic fields.

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